The Aviation Safety Inspector (Cabin Safety) serves as a resource and technical authority in an assigned field
office on cabin safety requirements as they relate to work activities affecting civil aviation. Provides technical
support regarding cabin safety for assigned air carriers and air operators. Ensures assigned operators comply with
applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, FAA policy and guidance and approved programs.
Under the general direction of the Supervisory Principal Inspector or Front Line Manager, accomplishes the
following duties:
A. Technical Administration
Develops a work program to ensure periodic surveillance of training instructors, company training programs and
all phases of air carrier cabin safety operations. This work is often done across multiple fleets of aircraft in an
operator’s fleet.
Contacts are with individuals throughout the certificate holders company, which may include flight attendants,
training program managers, center directors, and upper management. Within the agency, there is frequent contact
with Aviation Safety Inspectors in other specialties and offices, as well as field and Safety Standards personnel.
The purpose of these contacts is to elicit information, provide feedback, request alterations or modifications,
communicate findings or resolve issues and problems.
Determines through surveillance and investigation that the training facilities are properly and adequately
organized and equipped. staffed-with appropriately qualified instructors, and conduct flight attendant training as
required by appropriate Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) and FAA approved training programs.
Serves as the technical advisor to the Principal Operations Inspector (POI) on assigned areas of the companys
training program.
Coordinates technical instructions, policy orders and procedures through the POI and related FAA personnel to
ensure standardization of training activities.
Conducts investigations of public complaints, congressional inquiries and aircraft incidents and accidents.
Conducts enforcement investigations and prepares final reports and recommendations on disposition.
Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at court trials and formal hearings
and gives depositions.
Participates in special projects within the FAA to improve cabin safety procedures and policies. Conducts
evaluations, assessments, and interviews with National Headquarters and industry participants. Develops
recommendations and prepares summary reports on findings.
Serves as a National Resource and will be used to participate in programs/projects sponsored by FAA
B. Certification
Participates on domestic and international committees in the evaluation of air carrier certification of new type
aircraft. Evaluates the air carriers proposed certification plan of new type of aircraft and prepares critique of this
surveillance and reports the outcome to the POI.
Performs initial certification of new operators in all cabin safety related areas. Reviews all documents and
evaluates all plans to ensure compliance with the CFRs, FAA policy and guidance. May provide support to other
certificate holders during the certification process.
Reviews and recommends approval or disapproval of manuals and revisions to manuals related to assigned cabin
safety programs.
C. Surveillance
Monitors and evaluates training programs by the company to ensure compliance with the CFRs, national and
regional directives, and safe operating practices. Recommends changes to these training programs including cabin
simulators, training devices, or other such equipment. May recommend amendments to previously approved
manuals to correct any conflict with regulatory requirements, eliminate unsafe practices, and/or improve the
specificity of instructions. Attends FAA and company operations meetings.
Evaluates cabin simulators, training devices and other training aids to ensure compliance with original approval.
Evaluates operations and facilities by on-site inspections and by reviewing reports by geographic inspectors.
Identifies trends which indicate deterioration in cabin safety functions and recommends corrective action.
Participates in cabin safety related incident/accident investigations of assigned air carriers