
JSfirm Member Press: 2012 Hiring Exceeds Expectations: Survey Proven Correct

Press Contact:
Jeff Richards - JSfirm, LLC - www.jsfirm.com - 724-547-6203 (o) - 725-610-0685 (c)

Jeff Richards is excited to announce that more aviation jobs are available than anticipated. “Our original predictions were based on the results of our Annual Aviation Hiring Survey that we conduct each January. There was a 47% increase in job advertisements for January, February, and March compared to last year, and the number of jobs advertised in the second quarter has already surpassed last year’s numbers by 30%. This is encouraging as we are only half way through this quarter.”

The survey indicated that the first and second quarters will see the most hiring. JSfirm.com reported their largest number of job advertisements ever in March and April of this year. “We are looking forward to the rest of the second quarter being just as busy” Richards exclaimed!

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