
Swiss Air Lines

26 Belpstrasse Bern
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International 3007

Previous Jobs at Swiss Air Lines
Administration - Business Analyst and Project Lead (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Hospitality & Catering Projects (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Head of Crew Management Systems (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Expert Global Business Excellence (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Administration - Data Analyst (50-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Head of HR Operations (90-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Crew Management Systems & BI Developer (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Passenger Care Center (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Airworthiness Review Staff (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Cabin Technician (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Head of Media Relations (100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Consultant Legal Feedback Services (70, all genders)
Basel, Switzerland International
Engineering - Aircraft Engineer B1/B2 (100, all genders)
Geneva, Switzerland International
Other - Product Owner Digital Adoption & Innovation (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Station Performance Management (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Technology Innovation Specialist (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Safety Officer Part-145 (80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Training Coordinator Cockpit, 70 - 100 (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Engineering - Aircraft Engineer B1 and/or B2 in Line Maintenance (80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Pilot-Fixed Wing - Direct Entry First Officer A330 (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Engineering - Licensed Relief Engineer B1/B2 (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Engineering - Station Engineer
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Dispatcher - Operations Control / Flight Dispatch (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Project Leader & Operations Business IT Alignment (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Head of IT Service Management & Continuity (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Applikations-Manager / Business Analyst Airline-Reservation-System (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Sales - Cargo Sales Executive (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Management Cockpit Crew Planning (80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Administration - Cargo Customer Service Agent (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Technical Operations Coordinator (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Team Lead Cargo Competence Center GVA/BSL (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - HR Administration / Employee Services (60 oder 100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Dispatcher - Flight Dispatcher
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Other - IT Field Support (60, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Training Coordinator Safety & Service Training 60-80 (m/w/d)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Training Coordinator Safety & Service Training 60-80 (m/f/d)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Sales - Hybrid Sales Executive
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Sales - Hybrid Sales Executive
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Management - Customer Service Manager Americas
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Management - Customer Service Manager East Coast
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Management - Cargo Commercial Manager Americas
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Other - Head of Cargo, Shanghai
Shanghai, China International
Management - Operation Supervisor, Cargo
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Hong Kong International
Management - Team Lead Cargo Competence Center GVA/BSL (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Crew Control (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - General Training Devices Supporter hourly paid, 10-20 (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Member Cabin Management Office (60, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Passenger Care Center (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Manager of Operations Quality and Compliance
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Other - Company Doctor (60-70, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Engineering - Employee Experience Design in Co-Lead with focus on Learning & Development (80, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Engineering - Station Engineer LAX
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Other - Deputy Head of Revenue Steering Cont (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Warranty Manager (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Customer Service Agent
Bern, Bern Switzerland, United States of America International
Engineering - Practical Trainer / Instructor Emphasis Training (Aircraft Engineer B1/B2) (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Employee Experience, Collective Lead with focus on New Talents (60-70, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Turnaround Management ZRH (80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Schnupperlehre Automatiker EFZ, alle Geschlechter - Lehrbeginn August 2026
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Schnupperlehre Polymechaniker EFZ, alle Geschlechter - Lehrbeginn August 2026
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Engineering - Station Engineer (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Engineering - TechOps Engineering / Avionics & Electrical Systems (80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Logistician & Cabin Training Technician, 100 (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Facility Management Development and Steering (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Head of Human Resources SWISS (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - AOG Desk Management (100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - eOperations Support (20, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - eOperations Support (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Business Development & Strategic Support (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Engineering - Component Engineer (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Engineering - Component Engineer - APU (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Product Owner AOP (50-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Mid Term Planning (100, alle Geschlechter)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Consultant Legal Feedback Services (70, all genders)
Basel, Switzerland International
Management - Training Coordinator Safety & Service Training with Concept Management, 80-100 (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Operational Manager Cabin Crew (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Aircraft Asset Analyst (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Training Administration (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Goods Receiving Inspection (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Head of Cargo Data Analytics & Operations Research (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Cabin Crew Operations (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Cargo Pricing Management (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Facharzt Allgemeine Innere Medizin (80 – 100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Continuing Airworthiness Engineering (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Finance - Head of Financial Accounting Quality (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Inflight Catering Operation (100, all genders, befristet bis Ende 2026)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Infrastructure Employee, hourly paid (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Zurich Switzerland
Administration - Customer Service Agent
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Administration - Cargo Customer Service Agent (50-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Head of Crew Management Systems (80 - 100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Station Engineer LAX
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Account Executive
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Labour Relations Project Management (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - SWISS Reporting Office Cockpit A330/A340/A350 (50-60, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Administration - Data Analyst (50-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Flight Instructor, 60-100 (m/f/diverse)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Practical Trainer / Instructor Emphasis Training (Aircraft Engineer B1/B2) (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Storeman Technical Warehouse (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Concept Manager Hospitality Training, 80 (m/f/d)
Zurich, Zurich Switzerland
Other - Cabin Technician (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Aircraft Engineer B1 / B2 (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Head of Production Management (PM) (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Facharzt für Arbeitsmedizin (60-80, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Solution Architect (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Application Operation Responsible (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Administration - Offer Pricing Analyst (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Accounting - Automation Analyst - Revenue Accounting (80-100, all genders)
Basel, Basel-Stadt Switzerland
Other - Ground Support Technician (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Practical Trainer Emphasis Training (Aircraft Engineer B1/B2) (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Medical Training Instructor (Freelance, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Dispatcher - Employee in Dispatch Department (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Aircraft Engineer B1 and/or B2 in Line Maintenance (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Aircraft Engineer B1/B2 (100, all genders)
Geneva, Geneve Switzerland
Administration - Customer Service Agent
Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa
Inventory/Parts - Composite Spezialist (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Aircraft Transition Engineering (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Aircraft Engineer B1 and/or B2 in Line Maintenance (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Sales - Capacity Management & Sales Policies Ticketing (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Digital Procurement & Contract Management TechOps (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Head of Cargo US Midwest and Canada
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Administration - Training Administration (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Revenue Management Steering (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Compliance Monitoring Manager (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Welcome Desk (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Maître de Lounge Zurich (100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Inventory/Parts - Jahrespraktikum Inflight Material Supply Chain (40-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Internship Administration in Aviation Sector (100)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Administration - Internship Administration in Aviation Sector (100)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Cabin Communication & PR (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Jahrespraktikum TechOps App & Hardware Management (80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Engineering - Jahrespraktikum HR Employee Experience Design (40-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum Premium Travel Services (80-100, all genders)
Basel, Switzerland International
Management - Internship in Project Management Technics (6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Internship in Operations Research & Air Traffic Management (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - University Internship Corporate Communications & Events, 100
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Business Development & Distribution Coordinator Internship (limited to 6 months, 50, all genders)
Geneva, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Ancillary Portfolio & Business Development (limited 6 months, 80-100)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Cockpit Communications (limited 6 months, 80-100 , all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Praktikum Strategic Communications & Content Creation (6 Monate, 80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Jahrespraktikum Cabin Management: Cabin Management Office (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Administration - Data Analyst Intern at Operations Performance Management (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Premium Feedback Services (limited 6-12 months, 40-100, all genders)
Basel, Switzerland International
Administration - Internship in Content Marketing (limited for 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Finance - Internship in Procurement (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Finance - Internship in Financial Accounting Excellence – Services (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum Cabin Training (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Internship Feedback Services (12 Monate, 80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Basel, Switzerland International
Other - University internship in Human Resources, 100 (m/f/diverse)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum City Ticket Office (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Jahrespraktikum TechOps App & Hardware Management (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Management - Internship in Network Management (Limited to 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum HR Services Zürich (100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Cargo Offer Development (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Jahrespraktikum eOperations Support (40-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Jahrespraktikum Cargo Marketing and Communications (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Praktikum IT Operations (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Flight Ops Efficiency & Analytics (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Internship Social Media Marketing (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Internship in Real Estate & Facility Management (limited 6 months, 60-100, all genders)
Basel, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Digital Hangar Communications (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Digital Commerce (limited 6-12 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Taxation (limited 6-12 months, 50-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum Fleet Office Support (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Jahrespraktikum Flight Ops Policy, Procedures & Engineering (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Jahrespraktikum Crew Training Licensing & Support (100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum Pilot Recruiting (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Events and Sponsoring (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Administration - Internship in B2B Marketing (limited 8 months, 80, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Jahrespraktikum Uniform Management (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Zurich, Switzerland International
Other - Internship Corporate Controlling (6 months, 60-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Jahrespraktikum Protection Management (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Management - Internship Health & Case Management (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Jahrespraktikum im Inflight Service (80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Finance - Internship in Procurement (limited 6-12 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Corporate Responsibility (limited 6-12 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, Switzerland International
Other - Internship in Public Affairs (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Finance - Internship in Financial Accounting Excellence – Quality (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Accounting - Internship Revenue Accounting (6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Basel, Basel-Stadt Switzerland
Other - Internship at Operations Planning & Steering (limited 6-8 months, 60 - 100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Jahrespraktikum Uniform Management (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Jahrespraktikum Cabin Management: Cabin Management Office (40-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship Cabin Digital Innovations (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Sales - Jahrespraktikum New Business und SME Sales (80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship New Cabin Introduction (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Aircraft Data Analytics (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Sales - Internship Touristic Sales CH (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship Ops Steering Competence Center Lufthansa Group (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Data Analytics & Visualization (limited 6-9 months, 70-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship Staff Travel & Interline (limited 10-11 months, 40-60, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Engineering - Internship in Data Engineering & Analytics (limited 6-9 months, 70-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Management - Internship in HR Management (limited 6 months, 80-100, or limited 12 months, 50, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in the Data Science Delivery Team (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Jahrespraktikum Cabin Crew Recruiting & Talent Scouting (12 Monate, 80-100, alle Geschlechter)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Sales - Internship in Internal Sales Communication (limited 6 months, 100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship Employee Experience (limited 6–11 months, 60–100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Treasury & Taxation (limited 6-8 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Sales - Internship in Cargo Global Sales Development (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Other - Internship in Ground Ops Switzerland Communications (limited 6 months, 80-100, all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland
Maintenance - Internship in Quality and Safety Assurance Part-145 (limited 6 months,100 all genders)
Bern, Bern Switzerland, International Switzerland

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